Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Research Blog 10

Today Mr. Engholm gave us back our research portfolios. My two problems were my introduction (a bit sloppy) and my proposal. He suggested that my proposal has the stuff I need but just in different places. He also said that he felt I didn't exactly know what I was going to do, which is correct. I know what I'm supposed to do but I am a bit confused about what I am actually going to do. He suggested that I try to reorganize my proposal and fit a simpler pattern.
1) What?
2) Why?
3) How?
I am going to have this for next week.
On a side note, I remembered my working title and I was so impressed: The Incursion of Science Fiction in Technology through the Xbox Kinect.
Be amazed.
Thank you.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Research Blog 9

Yesterday was difficult getting back into the swing of things. I was not able to play with the Kinect over the holiday so now that is at the top of my list. I am trying to gather more research about how other hacks were created.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Finishing the Research Portfolio

I am almost done with the portfolio! I have completed all of my notecards and am working towards finishing. I am not worried that I won't finish.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Research Blog 9

I am now officially freaked out about the research portfolio. I do not have nearly enough notecards to fulfill the twenty page requirement. But, I will prevail! Today I was able to get my head in the game to make a sort of plan about how to attack this portfolio. I must now tell you that I will destroy this check-in. That is all.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Research Blog 8

Yesterday and today I had a breakdown. Twenty pages of notecards. 20. 2-0. Friday. Oh my goodness. So I am going into overdrive. This will be fun, yet scary at the same time. This pretty much sums up everything. Time to make those notecards.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Research Blog 7

I realized I have a lot of work to do and will spend my weekend working towards the twenty page note card minimum. I have also found that I am not the most productive during the time in class so I must come up with a way to fix that.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Research Blog 6

Yesterday was exciting because it was ring day. I realized that I need a lot more notecards so that will be the focus of my researching today. To understand all of the coding instructions I really just need to connect the Kinect and just go. It is hard to make notecards about this aspect of my research because it is a lot of coding language. Mr. Engholm gave me the idea of talking to the helpdesk about it because they should know something about programming.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Research Blog 6

Today I didn't have too much time to research because by the time I got settled it was already almost time to go. I need to get faster at that. I'm not sure how I felt about Mr. Perkinson. He was nice but I don't know if he will fit in. Here is my reflection/impression that I sent to Mr. Engholm.

I liked how Mr. Perkinson asked everyone about their thesis project because it felt like he was trying to get to know us better. He was interesting to listen to and seemed enthusiastic about the job opportunity. I do have this fear, however, that it is all just an act (you might not want to include this part) and that he will turn out to be a dictator rather than someone like Mr. Brock because he seemed to have an edge to him. Of course, in his profession he has to have a strict side to control any out-of-control students. I know we can’t keep Mr. Brock and that there won’t be another Mr. Brock but I don’t want a new person. I do not know what we could we glean from our thirty minute meeting we him. Obviously, he is qualified as are all of the other applicants but I do not know what sets him apart. I should have asked this question in class but I thought it wouldn’t be appropriate. Overall I liked him, but he was trying his best to make a good impression, which isn’t his fault. However, I would like to meet some of the other candidates to form a rational decision so I could compare him.

Research Blog 5

Yesterday Mr. Engholm gave us the requirements for our research portfolio, which was overwhelming. It just made it seem how real it is, which is weird to say. I need a lot more notes to fulfill the 20 page 10 point font requirement. I am in the process of developing a plan to complete a certain number of note cards per day. Mr. Engholm also gave us a research day-by-day process sheet, which I did not...enjoy. Today in class we will meet with a potential head of upper school. I will post my questions later.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Research Blog 4

Today I was researching how to hack into the Kinect. Like how to actually hack into the Kinect and I am totally and completely lost. So I am going to get my Kinect, which I have to go to the store to buy. Speaking of that, we have a Kinect for robotics but I do not know if I can use that. I would not but I think Mr. Bowman expects me to use it. It is an awkward topic to broach. I do not mind going to get my own, but I don’t want to not disrespect him, but misunderstand him. I will figure it out, though. Let me jump back to what I was saying first about hooking up the Kinect. I hope once hooking it up it will all kind of fall in place and the directions I have found will make sense.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Research Blog 3

I finished my proposal on Friday after I included more information from sources. I think I fixed everything I needed to. I turned it in rather late. It has helped me focus my research. It is slightly overwhelming knowing everything I have to do. I have a lot of research left, mainly how to program the Kinect. I have found a site that details how to hack into the Kinect. I must say that I am scared. What if I can't do it? That has crossed my mind a lot. I really want to be able to do this. So many people seem to be doing this that it makes me think I can do it with enough help from these resources, but what if I can't? Will it all have been for naught? I sure hope not. But it is still a very real possibility. I have my research cut out for me and know what I need to accomplish this week.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Research Blogging Day 2

Yesterday I met with Mr. Engholm at the very end of class to discuss my proposal. I will finish talking about it with him today. I need to come up with a purpose for my thesis. What can it change other than just the future of gaming and technology? Today at lunch I will meet with Mr. Bowman to discuss my proposal.
Here's to happy proposal writing.