Sunday, February 5, 2012

Research Blog 3

I finished my proposal on Friday after I included more information from sources. I think I fixed everything I needed to. I turned it in rather late. It has helped me focus my research. It is slightly overwhelming knowing everything I have to do. I have a lot of research left, mainly how to program the Kinect. I have found a site that details how to hack into the Kinect. I must say that I am scared. What if I can't do it? That has crossed my mind a lot. I really want to be able to do this. So many people seem to be doing this that it makes me think I can do it with enough help from these resources, but what if I can't? Will it all have been for naught? I sure hope not. But it is still a very real possibility. I have my research cut out for me and know what I need to accomplish this week.

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