Friday, March 30, 2012

The Magnificent LSU Library

     I enjoyed Special Collections the most because it was cool to see such old and interesting books hands-on.  My favorite book was the book with the hidden picture on the painting.  I believe it was called a fore-edge book and I want to try it on a book.  I learned that the library won't have any books that I could use and the databases are slightly lacking in terms of sources for my topic.  I tried to refine my search terms and even broaden my search after receiving the lesson from the research teacher.  For those databases to be helpful to my research I will use them to search for background information or the psychological effect of the interaction between machines and humans.
     Once our individual research began, it became a mad dash to the coffee shop.  Unfortunately for me CC's does not display its cookies.  I did get a hot chocolate so I could become ready to research.  Using the public access computers were easy, although the chairs were had to move without a horrible screeching sound emanating throughout the library.  Anything that makes me standout is bad.  Although now I am not terrified to go the library, as long as I have someone else there with me.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Preparing for the Library

The library, I found, does not have any books about the Kinect which is to be expected since the device is so new.  Mr. Engholm recommended that I use the databases that the library provides.  I am going to bring my handheld scanner and a legal pad to the library tomorrow.  Would an iPad be a good idea?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Thesis Presentation Reflection

My individual expectations for a thesis presentation are 1) it is formal, and 2) it is representative of a yearlong research project.  I just always think to the presentations when I was a ninth grader.  Those are what I want mine to emulate.  I do not want to bore people; I want them to be interested in what I am doing.  I think the greatest challenge to completing a professional and engaging thesis presentation is forming it to obtain the right response from the audience.   For me the most terrifying part of it will be standing on the stage.  Just thinking about it makes me want to abandon everything.  The one thing that I am depending on is excitement.  By that I mean loving my thesis so much that my energy and excitement transfer from the stage to the audience.  If I were to design an assignment to help a student prepare for this presentation I would have the presenter practice again and again and again to gain confidence.  The more you do something the more comfortable you become.  My presentation will be entirely scripted.  I will not be able to function if I do not have something memorized, otherwise everything I learned would be instantly erased from my mind and I would be frozen on stage.  Since I am doing a fun thesis that I want to be able to demonstrate on stage using another student, I hope that this would connect me to the audience more.  I do not want people to be bored by me nor do I want them to laugh at me.
I went to the thesis rehearsals on Friday, but could not go on Monday.  I was fascinated with Brad’s thesis because his PowerPoint was thorough and aesthetically pleasing which fit his topic in how to make New Orleans’s waterways prettier.  He seemed nervous and his presentation was scripted.  Chris’ presentation was enjoyable because he seemed to really know what he was discussing in his slides.  His enthusiasm for the plankton translated well when instructing the audience.  Chris centralized his presentation around the process and protocol of him working in a lab because that was the “big thing.”  Madison was quite entertaining in her rehearsal on Friday.  I did recommend that she not be as peppy when she presents because it was distracting and, in my opinion, made it not as serious.  In my mind these presentations are serious and formal, although the audience would love her as we did.  I think these presentations showcase the different types of people who are presenting, which gives me a better idea of what to expect and what to think about this aspect of thesis.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Research Day Whatever 1

Today I checked to see if the website I requested access to yesterday was now available and it wasn't.  I even had a talk to Coach Stevens about it.  I know it was immature to do that to the help desk but it was months of anger built up towards them never doing anything.  They stopped responding to me.  I'm going to concentrate on doing all I can do with that site at home.  I still don't know if I should bring the Kinect to school to work on because I am afraid of messing up in front of everyone even though they are all working on their own theses.  I'll figure it out.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Discussing Binder Check #2

Today I talked to Mr. Engholm about my binder.  I am going to get started ont the Kinect this week.

Monday, March 19, 2012

I don't even know what research day this is

Today Mr. Engholm was going around having one-on-one discussions with people about their binders. I didn't get mine today. I am nervous because I am not sure how I did.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thinking About Readers

     I had the reader conversation with Mr. Engholm today about me starting to think about possible readers.   Obviously Mr. McElveen is a possibility because I think he would provide amazing feedback amongst other things and provide an interesting perspective.  However, everyone (and I mean everyone) wants Mr. McElveen.  That's okay.
     Another option was Ms. Kelly.  She would be the cheerleader reader for me, someone to give positive feedback.  Mr. Engholm brought up a good point about when I defend my thesis it would be good to have a friendly face there.  Ms. Kelly was my advisor for two years and we still have a good relationship.
I would need a reader to compliment Mr. Bowman's technical part.  For this I was thinking Dr. Reuter or Ms. Szczpanik.  I  have really good relationships with both of them because of robotics.  I guess it comes down to availability.
     I am going to try to meet with them over the next week to see how they feel about my thesis.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Research Portfolio Two

Today I turned in my second research portfolio.  I had the most trouble with revising my proposal.  I listed out the three things (what, why, and how) in a separate document to help me focus on what I am trying to accomplish.  Ashley helped me reorganize my proposal by telling me something really simple that I was just overlooking.  I was going to get the Kinect from the robot lab tomorrow, but since we need it this weekend for robotics I was going to wait so I wouldn't mess it up for the competition.  I will continue my research and notecards.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Research Blog 13

Today I am organized my notecards to try to get a plan for what I need to do to prepare for the binder check on Monday.  I'll update later.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Research Blog 12

Today I missed more than half of the class because of my ESTAAR phone interview with Dr. Webb. That went well I think, but then I don't like missing seminar because I lose valuable research time AND we have a research check due next Monday. Time to freak out. I am so worried that I am getting behind. I am also really worried about being ready. Does that make sense? I know I shouldn't but I am started to question whether I can really do thesis. I want to, don't get me wrong! But, I just wonder if I can do it. I have so much other activities and classes going on and while it is a top priority other stuff gets in the way unfortunately. Oh dear. Time to have a deep conversation with myself.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Research Blog 11

Today I was trying to find more pure computer science articles like Mr. Engholm suggested. It is kind of hard, but I think it's just that I haven't found what to search for. I am still looking because I will miss class tomorrow. I am trying to keep up with notecards so that I am not scrambling when the next research check rolls around.