Friday, March 30, 2012

The Magnificent LSU Library

     I enjoyed Special Collections the most because it was cool to see such old and interesting books hands-on.  My favorite book was the book with the hidden picture on the painting.  I believe it was called a fore-edge book and I want to try it on a book.  I learned that the library won't have any books that I could use and the databases are slightly lacking in terms of sources for my topic.  I tried to refine my search terms and even broaden my search after receiving the lesson from the research teacher.  For those databases to be helpful to my research I will use them to search for background information or the psychological effect of the interaction between machines and humans.
     Once our individual research began, it became a mad dash to the coffee shop.  Unfortunately for me CC's does not display its cookies.  I did get a hot chocolate so I could become ready to research.  Using the public access computers were easy, although the chairs were had to move without a horrible screeching sound emanating throughout the library.  Anything that makes me standout is bad.  Although now I am not terrified to go the library, as long as I have someone else there with me.

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