Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Perfect Crime

I love crime shows. And crime books. And anything having to do with crime. I have often thought about how to commit the perfect crime. Not because I want to kill someone or anything but just for thinking purposes. Perhaps this would be something I could explore in a thesis.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

TT 12/12: What character weaknesses do you have that will be challenged by this thesis project?

My character weaknesses far outnumber my character strengths. One of my bigger weaknesses is anxiety and stress. I stress out which would be detrimental to my thesis project because it would not allow me to clearly think through whatever the obstacle may be. I also worry. I worry a lot. I would worry about if I would be able to finish something or that I may have done it wrong. I constantly second guess myself. Sometimes I become overwhelmed and cannot catch up. This makes me afraid that if I fall behind in my thesis that will never catch up. I'm afraid of failure. I fear that these character strengths will prevent me from being successful in this project.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My character strengths

What character strengths do you have that will help you with this thesis project?
I have grit. I work hard at my school work. This would help me with the thesis project. I do have zest because i like learning new things. Being gritty will help me work through my thesis and any problems I may have. I am trying to match up my character traits with the ones we have chosen for the character project/report and I am sad to say not many seem to match up. I love learning new things though so I am positive that I am zesty! Whenever I learn about a new topic I go all out and try to find out everything I can. Wikipedia is my friend. The links are never ending.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I love adrenaline because it is a natural drug that is electrifying. I want to maybe research what it is and how it does it (does that make sense?). I also want to look at adrenaline junkies. Those people who will do anything for the thrill. This was just an idea. I read something about a new sport in Japan involving sky diving. Except it isn't sky diving in the sense that you jump out of a plane with a parachute. Oh no, that would be too easy. They throw their parachute OUT of the plane and then jump after it. They jump out of a plane with no parachute. What a rush, I'm guessing. I hope the rush was worth it.
Here a video of something that I think would provide an adrenaline rush. I can't have the adrenaline rush because mother said, "There aren't enough helmets and kneepads in the world to keep you from killing yourself."

What is the value of a thesis?

What is the value of a thesis? What's meaningful for you?
Honestly, I don't know what the value of a thesis is. Part of the value of a thesis is that it is your own. It's meaningful to me because I get to take an idea and turn it into a thesis that I spend a year-and-a-half on. I want it to mean that I will have accomplished something, whether that is finishing the thesis, graduating with honors, or I don't know what. It is supposed to be something I want to do, but sometimes I feel it is something I am obligated to do because it is one of those things that "smart" (what qualifies as "smart'? book smart? street smart? etc...) students do. I want it to mean something huge to me because I want it to be worth it.