Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I love adrenaline because it is a natural drug that is electrifying. I want to maybe research what it is and how it does it (does that make sense?). I also want to look at adrenaline junkies. Those people who will do anything for the thrill. This was just an idea. I read something about a new sport in Japan involving sky diving. Except it isn't sky diving in the sense that you jump out of a plane with a parachute. Oh no, that would be too easy. They throw their parachute OUT of the plane and then jump after it. They jump out of a plane with no parachute. What a rush, I'm guessing. I hope the rush was worth it.
Here a video of something that I think would provide an adrenaline rush. I can't have the adrenaline rush because mother said, "There aren't enough helmets and kneepads in the world to keep you from killing yourself."

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you posted this as an idea! Because I actually had a note in my phone "endorphins: the alternative to drugs" but I completely forgot my idea with it. Endorphins and adrenaline could be related though. I think my original questioning with it was if your body can naturally produce that "rush" why would you even need drugs? Why not just go for the natural effect? This also relates to my recent idea about competitive cheerleading and tumbling (in the video the guy does toe touches, tucks, pikes, punch fronts, and layouts).

    Just some other things to think about. You could take this so many places.
    P.S. Love the video and i love his pads, cause they would help him so much ha
