Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What is the value of a thesis?

What is the value of a thesis? What's meaningful for you?
Honestly, I don't know what the value of a thesis is. Part of the value of a thesis is that it is your own. It's meaningful to me because I get to take an idea and turn it into a thesis that I spend a year-and-a-half on. I want it to mean that I will have accomplished something, whether that is finishing the thesis, graduating with honors, or I don't know what. It is supposed to be something I want to do, but sometimes I feel it is something I am obligated to do because it is one of those things that "smart" (what qualifies as "smart'? book smart? street smart? etc...) students do. I want it to mean something huge to me because I want it to be worth it.

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