Sunday, December 11, 2011

TT 12/12: What character weaknesses do you have that will be challenged by this thesis project?

My character weaknesses far outnumber my character strengths. One of my bigger weaknesses is anxiety and stress. I stress out which would be detrimental to my thesis project because it would not allow me to clearly think through whatever the obstacle may be. I also worry. I worry a lot. I would worry about if I would be able to finish something or that I may have done it wrong. I constantly second guess myself. Sometimes I become overwhelmed and cannot catch up. This makes me afraid that if I fall behind in my thesis that will never catch up. I'm afraid of failure. I fear that these character strengths will prevent me from being successful in this project.

1 comment:

  1. I think we're all afraid of failure to some extent. Have you realized these weaknesses before now? If not then now you are aware, and you can work on them. For example, if you know you can't catch up when you get behind then manage your time wisely and don't let that happen. I know that may sound easier said than done, but the only way to not be weak is to avoid the cause. And when you do fall behind just breathe and give yourself time to think about what needs to be done to catch up. I have faith in you :)
