Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My character strengths

What character strengths do you have that will help you with this thesis project?
I have grit. I work hard at my school work. This would help me with the thesis project. I do have zest because i like learning new things. Being gritty will help me work through my thesis and any problems I may have. I am trying to match up my character traits with the ones we have chosen for the character project/report and I am sad to say not many seem to match up. I love learning new things though so I am positive that I am zesty! Whenever I learn about a new topic I go all out and try to find out everything I can. Wikipedia is my friend. The links are never ending.


  1. I have to admit too that I love Wikipedia--not as a source in a REAL paper--but because it is an endless maze of hyperlinks to information (real or not). It satisfies my curiosity pretty regularly--and it helps with Jeopardy a lot.
