Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What I want to get out of this

I am not exact sure what I want to get out of this. Right now I am just worried. I am scared about finding the right topic and them getting the research done and them there is the whole writing the thesis thing. It is pretty terrifying. I'm not quite sure what the goal is. One thing that I think I want to get out of it is to be able to know a topic so well that I can spend two years with it and not hate it by the end of it. I want to do it for me. That's what it is supposed to be about.

Monday, November 28, 2011

A good thesis

What are your criteria for a "good" thesis? What defines a "good" thesis?
A good thesis to me is one that I am interested in and can also develop into a full blown thesis. I have to be interested in it and remain interested. I can't be bored with it. If that happens, it won't be a good paper and it all goes down hill. I'm not quite sure how to define a "good" thesis. It'll just feel right when I find it.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

What is Reality?

Maybe I could look at different realities? But first, I would have to figure out what reality is. How do you define something that can't be known for sure? Oh dear, I will probably drive myself insane with that one.

Movies and Psychology

I was just thinking about ideas when last week's 'Psych' episode popped into mind. Shawn went undercover at a mental hospital. By the way, I recommend everyone watch this episode, comment if you don't know where to find it, because it is AMAZING. In the episode he quoted the movie 'Girl, Interrupted' and so I immediately looked it up. Then I starting thinking about 'Shutter Island' and comparing the two. Maybe I could do something about how people with enough psychological damage fabricate their own "realities." Just a thought. I enjoy psychology. In 'Girl, Interrupted' Lisa, portrayed by Angelina Jolie (she won an Oscar for this), has rebelled against all treatment while living in a mental hospital and believes that how she is is how she should be. I hope I said that right. In Shutter Island, the main character played by Leonard DeCaprio (I don't know what name to call him because I don't know who the REAL him is), is trapped in his "reality" so he doesn't have to face his psychologists' and his apparent reality. Did that make any sense? I'm not really sure if this makes sense at all.


Robots are going to take over the world. They have already started by taking over my life. I now spend one weekend a month at a robotics workshop at LSU with my friends (the cool kids, I know). Then we have to program after school. We are also doing a robotics competition in the spring with the RoboKnights (our creative team name). And just because I could not get enough of this, I am doing engineering computations, which is programming. To be clear, I CANNOT program. I am physically and mentally incapable of doing this. I am totally lost with it. Yet, I keep subjecting myself to this kind of torture by continuing to do it. Right now I am staring at the robot on my kitchen table that WON'T RUN AFTER SIX HOURS OF PROGRAMMING. It is mind boggling. To fix it, we will bring it to Mr. Bowman and surrender to RobotC, the cursed programming language.
On the positive side, because it is consuming my life I am constantly thinking about it and I could maybe develop a thesis off of that.(?) I'm not really sure what it would be on, but it is just a thought...


I do not understand how this blog thing is supposed to work. Do we follow other people's blogs? Do we become members of others' blogs? How do we do this? I don't know what to do and I am already behind. Could someone please help me?

Not that crazy, paranoid girl...

I have this one idea that I really like but I am pretty sure it will lead to people calling me a paranoid, crazy chick. I don't really want that. It is about conspiracy theories. I am fascinated with them. The sad thing is that I sometimes kind of believe them. This is what makes me shy away from doing this as my thesis because I am afraid I'd get too into it and go psycho. Not a good thing. I like questioning what I am told because it makes me have a little power. I'm not talking everyday stuff such as, "Wash the dishes," because if I question it and don't do it then the dishes pile up and our house is taken over by roaches. I don't want that. I am talking about big things, like the JFK assassination.
I am really into secret societies. It's sad I can never be a Mason. I checked it out, no girls allowed. Maybe I could use my handy dandy secret society book to find another one that could be a focus for my thesis. Just an idea...


Right now I am feeling pretty scared about this whole thesis thing. I don't want to write and I most definitely do not want to present. I don't know why I put myself through this. The only thoughts in my head about this thesis are fear and panic. This might have to do with me writing this at later than 12:30 a.m. or maybe the truth is finally coming out. I'm not really sure and that scares me.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Better Late Than Never

So I am posting this way late but oh well. To just jump right in I have no ideas. One of the things I am passionate about is being done by someone else and it just wouldn't work out. I don't really have any other ideas and that worries me. \