Sunday, November 27, 2011

Movies and Psychology

I was just thinking about ideas when last week's 'Psych' episode popped into mind. Shawn went undercover at a mental hospital. By the way, I recommend everyone watch this episode, comment if you don't know where to find it, because it is AMAZING. In the episode he quoted the movie 'Girl, Interrupted' and so I immediately looked it up. Then I starting thinking about 'Shutter Island' and comparing the two. Maybe I could do something about how people with enough psychological damage fabricate their own "realities." Just a thought. I enjoy psychology. In 'Girl, Interrupted' Lisa, portrayed by Angelina Jolie (she won an Oscar for this), has rebelled against all treatment while living in a mental hospital and believes that how she is is how she should be. I hope I said that right. In Shutter Island, the main character played by Leonard DeCaprio (I don't know what name to call him because I don't know who the REAL him is), is trapped in his "reality" so he doesn't have to face his psychologists' and his apparent reality. Did that make any sense? I'm not really sure if this makes sense at all.


  1. OMG RACHEL! I love Girl, Interrupted! That is one of my favorite movies! It is so interesting! I absolutely love your idea about this sort of psychology! I have never seen Psych but if its anything like Girl, Interrupted I need too! Keep up the thinking!

  2. ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST! That is another great psychological novel that confronts the perception/reality fabrications of mental patients. Check it out. There is so much to examine on this topic. You could even branch off of mental patients and focus on another branch of people that would be a little less likely to "fabricate realities..."

  3. I don't know much about psychology but you seem to be really enthusiastic about it. This could be a really fun thesis as you would be analyzing false realities. Maybe you cool look into why they believe in these realities.

  4. I LOVE THIS IDEA! and I love Psych! This would be really cool to look at and research about these other realities, and it sounds like something you would be really good at! annddd.. I missed that episode! I'm totally going to go watch it now!

  5. I like movies, so I like this. (For someone who said they had a lot of fear and no ideas, you sure seem to have a cool variety of thoughtful ideas...!)
