Sunday, November 27, 2011

Not that crazy, paranoid girl...

I have this one idea that I really like but I am pretty sure it will lead to people calling me a paranoid, crazy chick. I don't really want that. It is about conspiracy theories. I am fascinated with them. The sad thing is that I sometimes kind of believe them. This is what makes me shy away from doing this as my thesis because I am afraid I'd get too into it and go psycho. Not a good thing. I like questioning what I am told because it makes me have a little power. I'm not talking everyday stuff such as, "Wash the dishes," because if I question it and don't do it then the dishes pile up and our house is taken over by roaches. I don't want that. I am talking about big things, like the JFK assassination.
I am really into secret societies. It's sad I can never be a Mason. I checked it out, no girls allowed. Maybe I could use my handy dandy secret society book to find another one that could be a focus for my thesis. Just an idea...


  1. Rachel, I think this could be a really good idea! Don't be scared if it is something you are interested in and/or curious about. That is what we are supposed to find(I think!). Think more about this idea!

  2. Rachel, don't think about what you think other people think about you. Make them think what you want about you. Make yourself into a renowned conspiracy theorist if it pleases you. Just don't go to LSU with it.

  3. Conspiracy theories are sometimes the truth in fact so don't be concerned with what other people think! In post WW1 Germany a few brave minority questioned why Hitler was reforming the government and instituting Nazi policies. People called them crazy but obviously weren't! I don't know why people can call others crazy because they believe a certain theory. This seems like a great topic to start with!
