Sunday, November 27, 2011


Robots are going to take over the world. They have already started by taking over my life. I now spend one weekend a month at a robotics workshop at LSU with my friends (the cool kids, I know). Then we have to program after school. We are also doing a robotics competition in the spring with the RoboKnights (our creative team name). And just because I could not get enough of this, I am doing engineering computations, which is programming. To be clear, I CANNOT program. I am physically and mentally incapable of doing this. I am totally lost with it. Yet, I keep subjecting myself to this kind of torture by continuing to do it. Right now I am staring at the robot on my kitchen table that WON'T RUN AFTER SIX HOURS OF PROGRAMMING. It is mind boggling. To fix it, we will bring it to Mr. Bowman and surrender to RobotC, the cursed programming language.
On the positive side, because it is consuming my life I am constantly thinking about it and I could maybe develop a thesis off of that.(?) I'm not really sure what it would be on, but it is just a thought...


  1. Wow Rachel! You have a lot of ideas which is a good thing! I would suggest to keep exploring and questioning each of those ideas!

  2. I really like the robotics idea, because it is so different! I think you should just keep researching and looking into different things involving robots and programming!Keep up the cool ideas!

  3. Ya! This is a cool idea! And it would be beneficial to you that you would already have some background on the programming side of robotics.

  4. Rachel! It is awesome that you have a programming background... you could research more on how to develop certain applications and could design an application for whatever interface that benefits its users in some way... now you would need an idea of what to design, but it would be an interesting process of learning how to develop an iPhone application for example(?). If you would want an even greater challenge... once you learn how to do it, you could design an easier way to teach the process to other people(?) I've always wanted to learn!

  5. To be totally honest, I dont think that this would be a topic you would stick with all the way through. If you are already so involved with this robotics and stuff, you might reach an overload point like the people in the BING commercials. Hahaha. But thats just how I interpreted you post. You might think you can stick with it.

  6. It's a cool opportunity, and it would be cool to utilize that in a thesis project.
