Sunday, November 27, 2011


Right now I am feeling pretty scared about this whole thesis thing. I don't want to write and I most definitely do not want to present. I don't know why I put myself through this. The only thoughts in my head about this thesis are fear and panic. This might have to do with me writing this at later than 12:30 a.m. or maybe the truth is finally coming out. I'm not really sure and that scares me.


  1. Don't worry Rachel! I think we are all scared about something that will be coming, but we will all help each other through this process! I'm sure it will be okay!

  2. Aw Rachel! It's okay! I agree with Caroline, we are all scared about something, because we all have weaknesses and Honors Seminar/Thesis requires everything we have therefore we are all at risk. Don't think about it so much, just focus on being curious and finding something you are really passionate about. That's how I've been looking at it... I'm also really excited to learn more about my chosen topic. So look forward to that!

  3. You might not believe me, but you are not the first or only person to feel this way. And yes, there have been students who have not been able to complete the process because their fear was rather crippling. (But I can minimize that pretty well. I can help, Rachel! Just talk to me when the fear gets too much.) But there have been even more students who have been a success. Fear is natural, just know that it's natural, stare it in the face, say "whateva," and do your thing. It works. Trust me.
