Sunday, November 27, 2011

What is Reality?

Maybe I could look at different realities? But first, I would have to figure out what reality is. How do you define something that can't be known for sure? Oh dear, I will probably drive myself insane with that one.


  1. I think this is a great idea! I see what you mean by this idea driving you crazy though! That would definitely make my head hurt!

  2. That's what scares me about the reality vs. perception issue... the perception is the most concrete part of the dilemma, but by definition it's not. AHHH

  3. You can look into different people's/culture's/group's perception of reality!

  4. What really scares me about the debate is that if we don't know what a reality is, do we really know that we are "here"? If so, what meaning is there of our existence? Great idea! Although, one of Nick's comments to my post was really helpful with regards to this topic (I had a similar idea to this one). He said if the reality vs perception debate runs in circles how could you do a real "thesis" on it. It makes sense because what we're trying to do in our thesis is answer a question.
