Wednesday, January 18, 2012

3.4.1-3.4.3. of The Craft of Research


I am trying to learn about the Xbox Kinect.


I am studying the Xbox Kinect and its hacks because I want to create my own hack.


I am studying the Xbox Kinect and its hacks because I want to create my own hack in order to help my reader understand how the Kinect can be used to create new programs.

I was having a crisis of topics today. I really wanted to do the music generator because it just seemed so cool, but I was becoming overwhelmed by the immensity of the project. Mr. Engholm helped me calm down and make my thesis more manageable by looking at what everyone else has done with the Kinect. Liz’s help was amazing and is the basis for this (thank you so much Liz! I’ll bake you cookies or something soon!). So what I will be doing with my thesis (at least at this point in time) will be looking at what has been done to the Kinect and what I can do to make a practical hack. Basically, I would become an expert on the Kinect. One problem, I don’t know if…well…this is cool enough? I mean I know it doesn’t have to be cool but I still want it to be.

My advisor will be Mr. Bowman although I need to run this new idea by him. See, we sort of informally decided in December that he would be mine and Kelsey’s advisor due to the programming/computer aspect of our topics. I hope he likes this idea because if he doesn’t then I have to find another advisor and I don’t know who would be willing to help me. That is distressing. I will arrange a meeting with him to discuss a change in topic.

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