Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What problems and sources will I be pursuing for this project?

I don’t know the BIG problem. I want to explore the Xbox Kinect and its hacks in order to create my own hack. Money would be the high stakes because it is such widespread technology. With everything that can be created from it provides the potential for a lot of money to be made. Money runs the world so this could be really high stakes because if I don’t do this then world will end. (Not really) What is the BIG problem though? I don’t know what side of it I am going to address and I need to talk to Mr. Bowman as soon as possible. The money side of it would be a practical problem. The conceptual problem could be that the full potential of the Kinect has not been reached and that I want to understand it. I’m not sure if that works, though. I need to further explore this.

I will be looking at what other people have done with the Kinect. These people do not only include big scientists, but regular programmers whose brilliance with computers leads them to develop these hacks. A lot of these people have their own websites but I do not know if they are trusted. Yet, I might have trouble finding trusted sources on things people have done to the Kinect (does that make sense?). Because these are relatively new findings, they won’t be published through a trusted source. This is a problem.

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