Friday, January 20, 2012

What problems do I anticipate regarding using, engaging, and managing sources? And anticipating those problems, how can I address them?

I anticipate lots of sources that I can’t use because what I am researching is relatively new equipment. The sources won’t be well known or “approved.” One of my worries is that when reading my sources I will not be able to understand all of the technical jargon. I am not worried about managing sources because I really like Noodle tools. During my Biology Honors cancer paper, I finally realized how important Noodle tools is so I don’t hate it anymore and actually like it because it is so incredibly helpful. I have become good at organizing my notecards and sources, so I am not too worried about managing my sources although I am sure that there will be hundreds of notecards and bibliography entries.

I am not quite sure how to address the source problem. I will be searching a lot of tech sites trying to find reputable sources. Mr. Engholm said it’s different for everyone’s thesis. To overcome the technical language I will have to research those words, which will lead to more sources. It will become a chain of information and sources and will help me understand my sources. I think these problems are definitely manageable.

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