Sunday, January 1, 2012

Golden Ratio Mask

So back to one of my favorite actors. What makes someone attractive? One theory is the golden ratio. "The golden ratio is a number (approximately 1.6180339887) based on the proportions that occur in nature." So they made a mask that is proportional based off of the golden ratio. That is what you see on Matty above this post. He is not only is he just beautiful, he is scientifically proven perfect. I do not know how I could turn this into a thesis though. Maybe I could do something related to why society picks some people as being beautiful and how the golden ratio contributes. I'm not really sure.

Some videos to watch about the golden ratio and beauty:


  1. This could be cool! There is an episode of Criminal Minds about the perfect beautiful human! Its really creepy, but totally awesome! It appeals to both your love for crime shows and you interest in the perfect human.

  2. I think this is so cool and I think it is something you could do a thesis on. You would have to do research about the mask, and then you would have to find the most perfect face.

  3. Well then, so you like the idea now? Beautiful faces? Beautiful minds.

    Why do we find people without the Golden ration attractive? Angelina Jolie's face isn't nearly perfect, and yet men all over the world are clamoring to get to know her.

    Has attractiveness changed over time? Has the Golden Ratio always been important?

  4. Both of those videos were very interesting. Something related is beautiful people's ability to charm and get away with more. It seems that ugly people are more often suspected of crimes than beautiful people. And I would just like to add that Matt has beautiful hair...

  5. I just heard something in Beauty and the Beast. Gaston sings in the beginning that Bell is "the most beautiful, so she is the best."

  6. This is so cool! This kind of goes along with my idea about people being obsessed with appearance and aging except this about the most perfect face. this could be a really good thesis topic to explore, and I'm excited to see what you do with this if you decide to pursue this idea.
