Sunday, January 8, 2012

Preconceptions and the Craft of Research (P. 1-27)

What are your preconceptions about research? How did Craft of Research, if it did, affect your impressions of what it is?
My preconceptions about research is that it is a long process intended to gain information about a certain subject. It can be boring and tedious. To do it right (citing sources) is even more boring and tedious. It's not fun, but it is a necessary evil. I know I need to do it but I don't want to and will put it off as long as I can. That's how much I dislike research. It's not that I don't want to learn new things, in fact I LOVE looking up stuff, it's just research. It doesn't matter what it is, I still love it. But if I am told I have to, I will look up stuff, just the wrong stuff. Rebelling but in the good-student-who-wants-to-rebel-but-not-really sort of way.
I think Craft of Research will help in my research process because I like the way the authors explain things. I know what research is, but the twenty-seven pages of Craft of Research that I have read so far break research down into something manageable so it is no longer this petrifying monster looming over me. I think I will like doing this research because I will be interested in my topic and I chose to do this. It is going to be a long, arduous process that will most certainly be stressful, BUT I think it will be worth it. Craft of Research did not really change my impressions of what it is, it only broke what I think (know) research is in order to explain why it is necessary. It magnified the importance of research and writing. I am excited to begin research, and I am glad to have Craft of Research to help me when I'm stuck or when I need to remind myself why I have to research.

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