Sunday, January 1, 2012

Robin Bowman thesis response

I read Robin Bowman’s thesis about making the VPAC a suitable place to hold choir concerts. I must confess, I know nothing about music or choir so I was confused when reading her thesis. Not saying that she didn’t explain it well but I just do not get it. But it was really interesting. I remember her presentation a few years ago and her solutions to the problem. She had a lot of sources. She separated her thesis into parts. I like how she explained the experiment part of her thesis. She even included some graphs taken from her experiment. I’m not sure if this is how I am supposed to respond to a thesis (is it Mr. Engholm?), but I am just saying what I thought of it. I really liked her thesis topic because it was something she really cared about and that was evident in her thesis paper and presentation. I want to develop a thesis that is interesting to me and hopefully other people will find it interesting as well.

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