Sunday, January 1, 2012

White Collar crimes

Okay so I was thinking about my favorite show, "White Collar". Then I started thinking about white collar crimes and how it is different from regular crime. Yesterday because I had such fantastic New Years plans I watched "Catch Me If You Can," a movie about white collar crimes. I don't know how to make this into a thesis but I could research white collar crimes. White collar criminals are usually put a lot of thinking into their crimes, like check forgery or art forgery. I'm not quite sure what to do with this. And because I love "White Collar," I thought I should include a picture of my favorite actor. Why not?


  1. He's gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful. But about white collar crimes, maybe you can look into the moral side of it. Like how they're punished differently and like compare one sentencing to another. Like how you could get the same amount of time for committing a white collar crime as something else. You know? Am I making any sense?

  2. OH MY, he is attractive! This would be so interesting to look into it! I don't know much about so it would be pretty cool to learn about for me!

  3. Maybe you could investigate each of the white collar crimes and see all of the work put into them. You could find similarities between each of the crimes and see if there is a trend that the crimes follow. I don't know. I am just kinda brainstorming on this idea at the moment. Cool idea though Rachel! I love that guy:)
